Institute for Synaptic Neuroscience
Center for Molecular Neurobiology Hamburg (ZMNH)
Falkenried 94
20251 Hamburg, Germany
1996: Diploma in Biology at the Albert Ludwigs Universität, Freiburg
1997-99: PhD thesis in Alexander
Borst's lab at the Friedrich-Miescher-Laboratory in Tübingen (Max Planck Society).
I investigated calcium signaling in visual interneurons of the blowfly and in isolated
neurons of the locust. During my PhD, I was a member of the "Graduiertenkolleg Neurobiologie Tübingen".
2000-03: Postdoc in Karel
Svoboda's lab in Cold Spring Harbor, NY. To investigate release probabilities
and response amplitudes at single synapses, I measured postsynaptic
calcium transients in single spines by two-photon laser-scanning microscopy.
Experience the beautiful spatial and temporal resolution of this technique in a
movie of postsynaptic calcium signals.
This project was supported by the
Swartz Foundation.
2003-11: Research group leader at the Friedrich Miescher Institute in Basel, part of the Novartis Research Foundation.
To stimulate individual cells in intact tissue, we started using variants of the
light-gated ion channel Channelrhodopsin-2 as well as two-photon glutamate uncaging.
With these techniques, we discovered that mGluR-dependent depression
is restricted to spine synapses containing a 'spine apparatus'.
We also found evidence for very strong depolarization of individual spines during synaptic transmission, an indication of
electrical isolation of dendritic spines from their parent dendrites. Historic lab pictures can be found here,
as well as our first realistic model of consciousness.
2005-2014: Faculty of the summer course 'Neurobiology'
at the MBL in Woods Hole, MA. I highly recommend the Woods Hole courses! (fried squid - mmm!)
I've also been involved with the Cold Spring Harbor Course
'Imaging Structure & Function in the Nervous System'
and the FENS/CAJAL courses-
they get the most amazing equipment for the students to play with!
Big thanks to our longtime collaborators
Benny Bettler in Basel,
Peter Hegemann in Berlin, Eric Schreiter
at HHMI's Janelia Farm, and Katalin Török at St George's in London!
Big shout-out to my fellow MicroCOPS Anne Schaefer,
Nils Brose and
Antoine Triller
who think that there is more to the brain than neurons.
Here's the team in March 2023 (clic to enlarge)
We have deposited a number of neuron-specific optogenetic tools on Addgene, including
iChloC, an improved light-gated chloride channel with near perfect anion selectivity (Plasmid #66709),
see Wietek el al., 2015.
We have also deposited a floxed construct for selective inhibition of cre-expressing cells
(Plasmid #70762).
PACmn, a photoactivatable adenylyl cylcase, membrane-targeted, with no dark activity (Plasmid #165491),
see BMC Biol.
Other published constructs are available on request.
In the News
SynTagMA, a new tool to label high Ca2+ spines. Green are inactive spines,
magenta active, cyan blobs are the presynaptic terminals we activated with Channelrhodopsin.
Silver spheres are regions of interest, automatically detected. This piece of tissue is alive, not fixed!
ERC Synergy Grant MicroCOPS. Ärzteblatt, 11. Nov. 2020
Gee CE, Constantin OM, Franzelin A, Oertner TG (2024)
Optogenetic approaches to study IEG activation.
in: R.N. Saha & S.M. Dudek (Eds.), Transcriptional Regulation by Neuronal Activity. Springer Nature 2024, 551-559.
Veprek NA, Cooper MH, Laprell L, Yang EJ, Folkerts S, Bao R, Boczkowska M, Palmer NJ, Dominguez R, Oertner TG, Pon LA, Zuchero JB, Trauner DH (2024)
Optical control of G-actin with a photoswitchable Latrunculin.
J Am Chem Soc. 146(13):8895-8903.
R. Vigot, S. Barbieri, H. Bräuner-Osborne, R. Turecek, R. Shigemoto, YP. Zhang, R. Lujan, L.H. Jacobson, B. Biermann, JM. Fritschy,
CM. Vacher, M. Müller, G. Sansig, N. Guetg, J.F. Cryan, K. Kaupmann, M. Gassmann M, T.G. Oertner, B. Bettler (2006)
Differential compartmentalization and distinct functions of GABA(B) receptor variants.
Neuron 50(4): 589-601.
T. G. Oertner (2000)
Mechanismen dendritischer Kalziumdynamik: Eine in-vitro-Studie an Insektenneuronen.
Medien Verlag Köhler, Tübingen, ISBN 3-932694-66-X